Joss Legal Fees

We offer flexible fee options to ensure that you can have access to a lawyer when you need one. We offer the following fee structures, depending on your situation and needs.

Initial Consultation

One hour consultation with a lawyer to get advice and assistance with your legal matter.


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Hourly Rate

Have an experienced lawyer assist you with your family law or estate matter for only $400 per hour.


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Payment Plans

If you can’t afford a large payment up front we offer payment plans to suit your needs.

From $100/week

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All the costs associated with the preparation of your Will.


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Divorce - Joint Application

If you are getting divorced and want to file for divorce with your spouse, we can prepare all of the required documents.


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Divorce - Sole Application

Capped price. You will not pay more than $1,750 for us to prepare your sole divorce application.


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Probate Application

We can prepare all of the required documents to obtain Probate.


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Consent Orders - Parenting

Capped Price. You will not pay more than $2,399 for us to prepare your Parenting Consent Orders.


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Consent Orders - Property

You will not pay more than $3,000 for us to prepare Consent Orders on your behalf for your property matter.


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Consent Orders - Property & Parenting

You will not pay more than $4,000 for preparation of your property and parenting consent orders.


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Divorce - Joint Application - Separated Under One Roof

You will not pay more than $2,750 for the preparation of your sole divorce application if you were separated and living under one roof.


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Divorce - Sole Application - Separated Under One Roof

You will not pay more than $3,000 for us to prepare Consent Orders on your behalf for your property matter.


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1 Hour


Payment Plans
Starting From


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